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Dragons' Den Persuasive Project! (Building Speaking & Listening and Persuasive Writing Skills!)

Dragons' Den Persuasive Project! (Building Speaking & Listening and Persuasive Writing Skills!)

This resource is perfect for enabling students to build both their persuasive writing and their speaking and listening skills. Based upon the popular BBC series 'Dragons' Den', students have the opportunity to research, design, pitch, and evaluate arguments for their own inventions, whilst simultaneously analysing persuasive pitches, revising persuasive techniques, structuring arguments and articulating convincingly. Included is a 16 page booklet (I would say at least 4-5 hour lessons of tasks) that lead students to: - Introduce themselves and their interests; - Watch persuasive pitches (links included) and identify persuasive devices; - Analyse why persuasive devices are effective; - Structure an analysis appropriately; - Brainstorm ideas for an invention using imagination and helpful aiding questions; - Formulate an argument by considering key questions and counter arguments; - Write and present a persuasive pitch; - Peer-evaluate and self-evaluate persuasive pitches. I have also provided some examples of news stories featuring the worst and best pitches from the den, in order to provoke discussion about what makes a strong pitch. All images are licensed for commercial use and are cited throughout.
New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Fiction

New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Fiction

These informative and engaging resources enable students to build the skills needed to interpret and analyse 19th Century fiction texts. This will aid students through the new Paper 1 Section A of GCSE English Language - for which they need to become confident readers of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century texts. These resources give students a strong foundation of knowledge of features of fiction texts in the 19th Century, using Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as the predominant example. There are easily enough resources for at least two lessons within this resource pack. Students learn through the following tasks: - Gauging and collaborating previous knowledge through an interactive starter task; - Identifying the descriptive devices in sentences written about 19th Century characters; - Building close reading skills through a study of a fiction extract from Frankenstein - Answering exam-style questions interpreting and inferring the key meanings in the text; - Using models and templates to write extended analysis responses about the descriptive language used in the fiction extract; - Peer assessing their partners' learning attempts. The following resources are provided: - Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint - Frankenstein extract - Teacher lesson guidance; - Interpretation worksheet; - Analysis worksheet; - Writing to analyse help-sheet All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.
Pupil Progress Data Breakdown Tool - Creates Percentages and Pie Charts!

Pupil Progress Data Breakdown Tool - Creates Percentages and Pie Charts!

This resources provides all of those responsible for data tracking and monitoring with a valuable time-saving tool to ensure that data can be well-presented, and trends can be easily identified. Fourteen separate sheets have been provided (one for each subject) and four tables are formulated to allow you to break down pupil progress data by any category that you require. Simply input the total number of students taking the subject for each category, and the number making progress by each measure, and the template will automatically provide you with the percentages, and also create pie charts to show headline data visually. A space is also provided for teachers to analyse key trends, and plot interventions. If you have any questions after purchasing this product, please do not hesitate to contact me at TandLGuru@yahoo.co.uk
Observation & Learning Walk Performance Grid

Observation & Learning Walk Performance Grid

For use alongside lesson observations and learning walks, this succinct performance grid enables observers to gauge and categorise teaching and learning sessions using OFSTED guidance for effective teaching. The first page of the document provides descriptors of 'outstanding', 'good', 'requires improvement' and 'inadequate' teaching within appropriately considered focus areas, for example: Questioning, Planning, Use of Additional Adults, etc. Schools that already employ this tool often opt to highlight the descriptors on this page as they observe, thus creating a bigger picture of the strengths and areas for improvement in the teaching and learning observed. Schools who still grade individual lessons have noted that this is a helpful aid in arriving at an overall judgement. The second page allows observers to further pinpoint and describe the 'www' (what went well) and 'ebi' (even better if) aspects of the lesson, in order to make feedback to teachers more clear.
Jargon Hunt - KS2 English - Building Literacy through Riddles and Teamwork!

Jargon Hunt - KS2 English - Building Literacy through Riddles and Teamwork!

Welcome to Jargon Hunt! This engaging and exciting activity is perfect for building students' literacy skills; helping them to understand key vocabulary through cryptic rhyming riddles and teamwork. Once the game is introduced and the rules are shared (on the presentation) students are given a riddle card and an answer card. The only catch is that their answer card does not match their riddle! Through reading their riddle to others, and allowing others to read their riddles to them, students learn the English vocabulary as prescribed for teaching at KS2 in the new National Curriculum. Provided in this pack are: - 30+ slide presentation, hosted by David Dictionary-son, who walks students through the game in a step-by-step fashion. -Class-size pack of riddle cards and answer cards. They simply need to printed on card, or printed on paper and laminated. This resource is a valuable tool for helping students to comprehend the words that they will need to understand in the New Curriculum, build valuable speaking and listening skills, and also have lots of fun! This resource can be bought alone. or as a part of a Jargon Hunt KS2 bundle (English, Maths, and Science) for just £1 more!
Media Key Concepts - Help-sheets/Posters

Media Key Concepts - Help-sheets/Posters

These handy help-sheets have been employed by Media Studies teachers and teachers of literacy across the curriculum in order to build students' vocabularies, and assist their Media Studies analysis. There are help-sheets for each of the main concepts of Media: - Representations - Audience - Media Language and Forms - Institutions Each help-sheet defines what the key concept is (and gives examples), details the key terms and ideas to consider when looking at this area, and offers key questions for students to contemplate and kick-start their analysis. There is also a short example of analysis for each key concept in order to model some of the language, in addition to a variety of other hints and tips. These help-sheets have also been blown up to A3 or A2 size to become engaging and interactive media classroom or literacy across the curriculum posters.
Year 6 Writing Curriculum Coverage Checklist!

Year 6 Writing Curriculum Coverage Checklist!

This checklist provides an academic overview of the writing curriculum content to be covered in Year 6. I offered this to teachers, who marked it off as they covered individual elements of the curriculum (their aim was to ‘tick’ each element twice over an academic year). They have found it extremely useful, as it offers a useful breakdown of the curriculum statements into individual components, which are not always self-explanatory. It is broken down into Composition, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling, and Handwriting sections. Please note that the spellings listed are indicative of the patterns to be learnt - it is not the exhaustive list. Furthermore, the composition section details our interpretation of what needs to be covered over a year, some schools vary from this. For this reason, the document is provided in Word, for easy editing. It is also provided as a PDF, to prevent formatting issues between computers. Hope that this proves helpful to you too!
Salah - The Second Pillar of Islam!

Salah - The Second Pillar of Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the second pillar of Islam - Salah. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and answering comprehension questions about the Salah. They then develop their understanding by learning about the daily prayer routine and the ‘wudu’ (washing ritual). The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 17-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson, in addition to the worksheet template for the creative ‘routines’ activity (in both Word and PDF). Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children in upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6). The key learning is aligned with regional expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Zakah - The Third Pillar of Islam!

Zakah - The Third Pillar of Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the third pillar of Islam - Zakah. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and answering comprehension questions about Zakah. They then develop their understanding by learning about why Muslims give Zakah and how it benefits others, before comparing these ideas with their own personal views on generosity and charity. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 18-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children in upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6). The key learning is aligned with regional expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Sawm - The Fourth Pillar of Islam!

Sawm - The Fourth Pillar of Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the fourth pillar of Islam - Sawm, the act of fasting during the period of Ramadan. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, learning key facts, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and demonstrating their understanding through various tasks, including designing their own Iftar plate. They also consider their own personal spirituality, discussing concepts such as self-discipline and control. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 17-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. The template is also provided for the Iftar task (in both Word and PDF). Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children in upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6). The key learning is aligned with regional expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Hajj - The Fifth Pillar of Islam!

Hajj - The Fifth Pillar of Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the fifth pillar of Islam - Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the city of Makkah. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, understanding where Makkah is and why it is holy, learning key facts about the rules and process of Hajj and demonstrating their understanding through various tasks, including explaining the process of Hajj through a storyboarding template. They also consider their own personal spirituality, discussing concepts such as perseverance and respect. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 17-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. A reading about the Hajj process is also provided, in addition to the template for the main activity (in both Word and PDF). In the past, I have used this lesson with children in upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6). The key learning is aligned with regional expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Shahada - The First Pillar of Islam!

Shahada - The First Pillar of Islam!

In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the first pillar of Islam - the Shahada. Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and answering comprehension questions about the Shahada. They then link this knowledge to their own personal spirituality, considering the important ‘pillars’ and intentions that are important to them and their communities. The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 16-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson, in addition to the worksheet template for the creative ‘pillars of my community’ activity (in both Word and PDF). Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. In the past, I have used this lesson with children in upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6). The key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Astonishing Alliteration and Astounding Assonance!

Astonishing Alliteration and Astounding Assonance!

This is an exciting and engaging lesson/set of tasks aiming to build students' skills at using alliteration, assonance, and sibilance in their writing . It was taught during an observation lesson where the teacher received an Outstanding judgement. Students learn to: - Define and give examples of what alliteration, assonance, and sibilance are; - Identify alliteration, assonance, and sibilance in tongue twisters;; - Analyse what makes them effective; - Create their own alliteration, assonance, and sibilance filled writing piece; - Peer assess using a clear and succinct success criteria. It comes complete with: - Engaging and visual PowerPoint to guide students (and teacher!) through the lesson; - Colourful and thought-provoking worksheet for the main create task; - Lesson plan/ teacher guidance sheet, which goes through the lesson step-by-step; - Resources to enable the teacher to make 'cards' for the development task. All pictures are licensed for commercial use, and image authors cited on the final slide. This lesson can also be bought as part of the Descriptive Devices bundle for just £5. The bundle leads students through each language device needed in order to write to describe confidently. Alternatively, you can buy the Descriptive Writing Big Bundle (All descriptive devices lessons, structuring and organising writing lesson, capturing the readers attention lesson, and the literacy writing mat) for £6
Structuring and Organising Creative Writing

Structuring and Organising Creative Writing

This highly engaging and informative double lesson (around 1.5 to 2 hours of teaching materials) helps students to build skills in demonstrating appropriate, sophisticated, and original structures in their writing, and provides them with theories and techniques to help them to organise their writing adequately. I wrote this lesson because I noticed that there are an extremely high volume of students that approach extended writing tasks (even in their GCSEs) with practically no sense of organisation. Even though they have clearly learnt a number of writing techniques from their teachers, their writing can be extremely short, repetitive, and in some cases the topic is confused. This lesson aims to address each of those issues. Students learn: - What structure and organisation mean; - Narrative structure theory and 'plot mountain;' - How time order can effect a creative text; - How to expand using the five key senses; - How and when to use paragraphing; - Plan for their own extended piece of writing; Included are all worksheets, and detailed and visual PowerPoint presentation, which explains each concept clearly, and a lesson plan for teacher guidance. Alternatively, you can buy the Descriptive Writing Big Bundle (All descriptive devices lessons, structuring and organising writing lesson, capturing the readers attention lesson, and the literacy writing mat) for £5. All images are licensed for commercial use, and authors are cited on the final slide.
VCOP - Punctuation

VCOP - Punctuation

Perfect for English lessons, or as part of a literacy across the curriculum scheme, the VCOP lessons aim to build students' fundamental writing skills. Engaging, differentiated, and easily adaptable, this lesson aims to improve students' skills at using varied and appropriate punctuation, following a logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps: - Defining punctuation marks; - Identifying varied vocabulary in humorous writing examples; - Analysing varied vocabulary in an interesting descriptive passage; - Creating their descriptive piece, using varied vocabulary; - Peer or self evaluating their varied vocabulary attempts. Resources, worksheets, and a lesson plan are provided. This resource can either be bought alone, or as part of a VCOP bundle (see resource VCOP - All lessons & scheme - vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) for just £1 more.
No Problem Comprehension Activities Booklet!

No Problem Comprehension Activities Booklet!

This 16-page resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Benjamin Zephaniah’s poem ‘No Problem.’ Teachers have found them particularly useful throughout teaching, or for exam revision or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of students towards meeting the key English Literature assessment objectives - suitable for all examining bodies. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate. Activities within the booklet include: ‘Analysing Context’ - helping students to ‘Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.’ ‘Analysing Subject Matter, Language and Structure’ - to help students to ‘Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.’ ‘Diary Entry’ - to help students to ‘Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. Make an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these. ‘The Speaker’ - to help students to ‘Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations.’ Plus many, many more activities! I’ve also added it as a PDF in case the formatting differs on your computer.
Year 3 Guided Reading Comprehension Activities Booklet! (Aligned with the New Curriculum!)

Year 3 Guided Reading Comprehension Activities Booklet! (Aligned with the New Curriculum!)

Now with PDF version included! This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use in guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of children towards meeting the Year 3 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework. Children love learning from these resources, whilst they are also of great use to teachers, as there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They are also generic enough to ensure that they are appropriate for use with all texts. Activities and games within the booklet include: - Mind Reader - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Work out how a character is feeling in a story from their actions, and explain how you know with evidence from the text.' - Text Inspector - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Use non-fiction texts to find out information on a subject.' - Rap Battle - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Read aloud poems, and perform playscripts.' - Organised Ernie - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Say how a text is organised in order to help you understand it, for example using paragraphs, headings, sub-headings, and inverted commas to show speech.' Plus many, many more activities (the booklet is around 20 pages in length!) All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included.)
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Learning and Lines and Growth Mindset; -Being Healthy and Safe - Balanced Diet and Catch It, Bin It, Kill It; -Helping Others - Encouragement and Praise and Positive Behaviours; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Being My Best - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Developing Myself - Learning and Lines and Making Choices; -Being Healthy and Safe - Healthy Lifestyles and Exercise; -Helping Others - Our Bodies and Looking after Teeth; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!

PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Growing and Changing’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance It includes sections on: -Overview and Recap of Prior Learning; -Healthy Relationships - Special People, Surprises and Secrets, Unkindness, Teasing and Bullying and Listening & Touching; -Knowing Our Bodies -Inside our Bodies, How Have We Changed?; -RSE Content - Keeping Privates Private, Toilet Changes; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).